Flu Vaccine Mandate for Staff Members
Our top priority at Connecticut Children’s is keeping each other and our patient families safe. That’s why the organization is once again requiring all team members—in clinical and non-clinical roles—to receive a flu vaccine for the 2024-25 flu season as a condition of employment. Our 2024-2025 flu vaccine campaign will run from October 7 through November 4, 2024. Proof will need to be submitted no later than 11:59 am on Monday, November 4. If you have any questions about the details below, please send them to questions [at] connecticutchildrens.org (questions[at]connecticutchildrens[dot]org).
Who The Flu Vaccine Requirement Applies To
The flu vaccine requirement applies to all staff of Connecticut Children’s, including team members, licensed independent practitioners, students, volunteers, contracted and traveling staff in all locations (including those who work remotely).
Where To Get A Vaccine
You will be able to receive your vaccine at several Connecticut Children’s sites, as outlined below. As in previous years, you can also receive your vaccine at your local pharmacy or from your primary care provider. Just remember to request the Vaccine Administration Record.
Additionally, a number of departments will offer flu vaccines to their team members at the following locations:
- Inpatient Units/ED/PACU/OR (For staff on these units)
- Ambulatory Surgery Center – Farmington (For staff at Farmington locations)
- 399 Farmington Ave. (For staff at Farmington locations)
How To Submit Your Vaccine Proof
IMPORTANT! No matter where you receive your flu vaccine you will need to submit proof using the online form below… even if you received your flu vaccine at an onsite clinic!
Submit your proof of receiving the flu vaccine using this 2024/25 Vaccine Proof Form.
If you prefer, you can access the 2024/25 Vaccine Proof Form using the QR code below from any mobile device.

Note: If you are accessing this link inside Connecticut Children’s network, please click on “Your Company/Corporate Account” when logging in to use the form. If you need help, please call the Help Desk at 860.545.8090.
Your Flu Vaccine Proof Needs To Include Certain Information
To be accepted, your proof must include certain types of information. If any details are missing, you will be asked to resubmit the proof, and it won’t be considered compliant until all of the required information has been received. When asking for proof of vaccine please request your Vaccine Administration Record.
Your FLU VACCINE proof needs to include all of these details:
- Name (first and last name)
- Date of birth
- Vaccine name/lot number
- Date of vaccine administration
- Vaccine expiration date
Here are two examples of the types of FLU VACCINE proof that are accepted:

Important: Prescription stickers and/or store receipts, like the one below, are NOT accepted as valid proof:

Please ask for a copy of the completed consent that has the flu vaccine label with the vaccine information on it or the Vaccine Administration Record.
In addition, if you receive your flu vaccine at your local doctor’s office please inform them that you need proof of receiving the vaccine as a condition of employment.
Flu Vaccine Exemption Requests
We have simplified the process for submitting your request for exemption. You will no longer need to download and complete the pdf versions of the Waiver Forms. Exemption requests are due by October 6, 2024.
If you believe you have a religious reason that prevents you from receiving your influenza vaccine, please complete and submit the Influenza Vaccine Exemption Request Form, providing your justification right in the form.
If you require an exemption for medical reasons, you will need to obtain medical documentation signed by your provider and upload that document into the Influenza Vaccination Request Form.
To submit your exemption request click here or use the QR code below.

If you were exempt from our flu vaccine requirement previously, no action is needed. Please continue to follow the organization's guidelines for protecting yourself and others from any infectious diseases during flu season.
Instructions for Submitting Vaccine Proof And Exemption Requests
Confirm Your Compliance
You can confirm your flu vaccine proof or exemption request was properly received, accepted and recorded using this report. Note that after submitting your proof or exemption request, our Infection Prevention team or the respective Vaccine Exemption Committee will need to validate/approve it. So, it could take 24 hours (or longer on weekends) for your updated compliance status to appear in the report.
Need A Copy of Your Proof?
Once your proof has been validated, you can download a copy of the document you submitted here.