High blood pressure is a significant problem in pediatric populations. Hypertension is prevalent in as high as 4% of children and adolescents. Children at increased risk of hypertension include those with: obesity/overweight, a history of prematurity or low birth weight, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea, amongst others. Of concern, damage from childhood hypertension starts in childhood with premature vascular aging, left ventricular hypertrophy, impaired cognition, and risk of both renal disease and early onset heart disease.

Main Guideline  Appendices G&H Guideline  Algorithm


These guidelines are intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals who are licensed to practice medicine. This material is not intended to replace professional medical judgment, prescribing information or consultation with a medical professional. Any health care provider using this material acknowledges full responsibility for the medical care and treatment of patients. All health care providers are solely responsible for confirming the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, appropriateness and helpfulness of this material and making all medical, diagnostic or prescription decisions.

For questions about the guidelines, CLASP [at] Connecticutchildrens.org (email the CLASP team).